23rd December '98 Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Probably won`t update anything until after Christmas (unless there is something major to mention) so.. Merry Christmas to all!!! Hope you like the Christmas Logo :-)
22nd December '98 Excellent! "Monkey" wins an Annie Maximar has kindly pointed out this bit of information at Stargazy Studios.
November 18, 1998 - We're happy to report that LEC's "The Curse of Monkey Island"™, co-designed/project led by Jonathan Ackley, just won the coveted Annie Award for "Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Interactive Production." The International Animated Film Society (ASIFA), awards Annies as "the highest honor given for excellence in animation." Congratulations to the whole "Monkey" team.For more information, go here:
http://www.asifa-hollywood.org/annies.html "The Curse of Monkey Island"™ is a trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC.
Murray conquers Guam!
Forgot to mention this, but The Home of Murray reports that Murray has conquerd Guam... MUHAHAHAHA!! I should also mention it's worth visiting Denny Delk's Homepage, in case you didn`t know, he does the voice of Murray in CMI. Guestbook Noticed!
I`ve only just noticed this, but the SCUMM Bar Guestbook was chosen as Pick of the Moment for 14th December. Other Stuff
Updates have been added to the Links, FanWork and IRC Regulars sections.
16th December '98 THE Secret? Finnish Ron Gilbert Interview There is a new Interview with Ron Gilbert for you to read. Taken from the Finnish magazine Pelit-lehti. Many thanks to Mr.Fossey for translating it for us! In the interview Ron says he will not tell THE Secret of Monkey Island yet. That's very mean of him... (Sorry, I can`t help but be curious ;-) Charting
Just in case you are interested, this month last year... The Curse of Monkey Island was at Number 3 in the UK chart. Grim Fandango entered the UK chart at Number 9 this month (actually, it entered at number 1 in the weekly chart, but stayed there for just one week).
15th December '98 Game Awards Hotgames.com Awards Hotgames.com are hosting their first annual games awards, it includes CMI and Grim Fandango, so go and vote!
14th December '98 No Snow... New Logo! As you have probably noticed by now.. the SCUMM Bar has a brand new logo! I`m pretty sure you will all like it! I must say thanks to Telarium who did the old SCUMM Bar logo which I really liked, it was just time for a change. Which brings me too... Highland MI2 Midis
Highland Productions has released three new MI2 midis! Arn`t they good to us :) You can get the midis from their website. MI Wallpaper
I have added a number of new Wallpapers to Stan's Previously Owned Downloads. The new ones are basicly screenshot from CMI, but I think they make quite nice wallpaper. You will find them in the Windows section of Stan's. Ron Gilbert Interviews
MrFossey from IRC informs us that a Finnish magazine has a interview with Ron Gilbert, and MrP on the Posting Board has informed us that PC Gamer UK also have an interview. We shall try and have copies of this for you to read soon.
10th December '98 Snow in the Caribbean?!? Newsgroups For those interested, there are a couple of newsgroups that deal with Monkey Island... alt.games.lucas-arts.monkey-island and comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure. Thanks to Tomas on the Posting Board for letting us know about alt.games.lucas-arts.monkey-island. This appears to be a new newsgroup and as a result some News servers may not carry it yet, but it does exist. That Comic!
New pages have been added to the Monkey Island Comic, also Iris Dragt has sent in a impressive picture of Elaine she has drawn for the FanArt Section. Dead Guybrush?!
I`m sure some people would already know about this.. but for those who don`t, take a look at this. Mfu emailed this to me and I must apologise to to him for not putting it on the page sooner , I just found it in my e-mail directory where it had been lost for months. It's a screenshot from Return to Zork and it seems to show our hero after loosing quite a bit of wieght!
Michael Land and a Grammy
We have heard about the possibility of Computer game music composers getting a grammy. For more info, it may be worth checking out This Page. Thanks to (the insane?) Joecool for the info. Links
Links page has finally been updated.
4th December '98 Chickens and Crosswords New Java Games Not much today... just a couple of new Java games added to the Games Section. The first is a Crossword, a simple one to start with (Thanks to little sister Amy for planning out the crossword). I`ll try and have a more complex one in the future. Second game is one of those Sliding Tile puzzles, give it a try! New Stats
I just added a new way to get statistics about the SCUMM Bar. It even tells me what screen resolutions and web browsers you people are using! Quite useful. What chicken?
Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.
2nd December '98 MI4 by Ron Gilbert? MI4 by Cavedog? Could Cavedog be making Monkey Island 4?? Could Ron Gilbert be buying the rights to Monkey Island? In issue 71 of PC Zone, they have a article on Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. They listed the history and future of Cavedog, here is what it had listed for the year 2000:
2000: With a bit of luck we'll see the likes of Total Annihilation II (and if Ron Gilbert had the money to buy back the licence, Monkey Island 4).Make of this what you will... we shall have to wait and see what LucasArts has in mind. Also, Ron Gilbert states that he is looking forward to Grim Fandango and has not been in a fight since he was 8 years old. Many thanks to Anup for pointing out the MI4 thing to me, I`d totally missed it!Dom's finished Demo!
Dominic Armato (Voice of Guybrush) has the finished version of his animation voiceover demo at his homepage! Dom was also good enough to join us again to chat on #monkey-island. Grim Reviews
The UK Mag Ultimate PC has reviewed Grim Fandango, giving it 94%! Magazine reviewers really do like this game! Also in this issue of Ultimate PC they have preview of X-Wing Alliance. SCUMM Revisited
SCUMM Revisited may interest many people when it is released. Since it seems it will rip music and other files from almost any LEC game! Discworld Noir Interview
Swordmaster informs me that GamesDomain has new 'Discworld Noir' Interview that will probably interest you Adventure fans ;-) Did you know...
...that Five years ago this month, Day of the Tentacle was STILL number 1 in the UK chart? And Finally
3 more pages of FanArt has been added to the Fanwork section.
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