February 1999

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26th February '99 They took our MP3s!!
MP3s offline
As a few poeple have pointed out... the MP3s in the Downloads section are not there. For some reason they have all been deleted and I cannot seem to upload them again at the moment. I`ll try and get them back online as soon as possible.

New Poll

New poll added, for previous poll results look here. It's surprising to see just just how many fans wouldn`t mind seeing the MI series leave LucasArts.
22nd February '99 Alas poor Booty...
Novel Update!!!
Well slap me silly and ram a Crowbar up my nose... we finally have a new Part of the Novel for your reading pleasure. Speaking of reading pleasure, we understand it isn`t really nice reading a novel on a webpage, so we have added the MS Word .doc file for you to download and printout to read. Remember though, this is for the SCUMM Bar only.. please to not use it anywhere else.

Farewell Booty Island

As some of you may have noticed, one of the oldest Monkey Island Sites has shut down... Booty Island run by Snesgirl is no more. But all is not lost! Be sure to visit her other page, The Clan of the Three Headed Monkey.

SCUMM Update

SCUMM has been updated with it's section on Monkey Island 1, also, Snugglecakes has ordered his copy of 'The DIG' soundtrack! Why do I mention this? Because it's a top CD and you should buy it now! There is a sample MP3 in the Downloads section, but only one, please don`t ask for anymore!

11th February '99 Monkey Talk
LucasFans Interviews Dave Grossman!
Dave Grossman Open less than a week and already an exclusive! LucasFans have an interview with co-writer of Monkey Island 1 and 2 (and Day of the Tentacle)... Dave Grossman! Swordmaster shows off his interviewing skills once more, so go visit LucasFans!
8th February 1999 Everyone is moving!
LucasFans Open!
I know many of you will be glad to hear this... LucasFans is back open with a whole new look. Now located at http://lucasfans.adventuregamer.com, go look, go look.. now!

SCUMM also

First off I must apologise to Snugglecakes for not mentioning this sooner. SCUMM has also moved with a whole new look! Located at http://scumm.indy3d.net, SCUMM is another great looking page and somewhere everyone should check for the latest news!

Poll Stuff

A bit of a tough poll today... do you choose for MI to stay at LucasArts? Or to leave LEC in favour of Ron Gilberts talents? This means nothing of course... just for interests sake :) Old Poll results can be seen here.

A few updates about the site too... A walkthrough and all the Insults for CMI have been added to the Hints section. Many thanks to Swordmaster at LucasFans for these.

Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.

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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout