29th March 1999 MI Can`t Buy you Love! That Secret LEC game Remember in the news from 18th March it mentioned about the MI3 team working on a 'Secret' game? Well, Coolio emailed me some info taken from the latest issue of 'PC Gamer UK'. Next Month they will have: "An enormous preview of the worlds most secret game*Is this more evidence of a new adventure game from LEC? It can`t be a Star Wars game as they have already advertised the Star Wars previews. I await the next issue for more news!
*clue:it's from Lucasarts"
Monkey Island Can`t Buy you Love!Also in the recent issue of 'PC Gamer UK' I found something that may interest male Monkey Island Fans... basicly, don't use any MI Lines to try and impress the opposite sex! Follow the 'MORE' link, *WARNING* Humour involved.
LEC ruling Adventure games!In the latest issue of PC Format (can`t you tell I`ve been out buying computer mags this week!) voted Grim Fandango as best adventure, followed by CMI.
SCUMM Revisitied 2.0.8Version 2.0.8 of SCUMM Revisited has been released! New Music site!
A new site from the creator of LucasFans has been opened, called Computer Game Music Monthly it is a must for anyone interested in Game Music! Other New Sites:
22nd March 1999 Guybrush as a TIE Pilot! XWA Credits Dominic Armato (The Voice of Guybrush) had told us on IRC that he had recorded some voices for X-Wing Alliance, and recently Fuurgh emailed me saying that, according to the XWA Demo Credits, Dom does the voice of a TIE intercepter pilot. While looking at the credits I noticed a number of other CMI actors who also lend their voices to XWA. For the list, click the 'MORE' link.
SCUMM Revisitied 2.0.7Version 2.0.7 of SCUMM Revisited has been released. Just in case you have been stranded on island without any pants for the last 20 years... SCUMM Revisited is a program capable of ripping Music, graphics, sounds etc from virtually all the LucasArts adventure games.
20th March 1999 A little error correction That translation error A few people have pointed out a little error in the translation from the German article (see below). Thanks to Serge and LGH for pointing the error out.
It never actually said:"The monkey island 3 team is working on a yet secret next Monkey Island game"What it actually said was this:"The monkey island 3 team is working on a yet secret sequel."This makes all the differance and we can see it meaning one of three things...
- Monkey Island 4
- A Monkey Island Sequel but not MI4 (interesting thought)
- The MI3 team are working on a Sequel game to something else (DOTT2? The DIG2? Grim2? Full Throttle2? Sam n Max2? Who knows?! Well, probably not Sam n Max2 as LEC no longer have the rights unfortunatly)
18th March 1999 And so it begins... Possible Monkey Island 4 sighting... Ok, keep calm... no one panic! Florian of the Monkey Island Fan Isle sent me a page scanned from the German magazine 'PC Games'. Thanks to Smily from #wing-commander who has translated what it says. Remember, this could be just rumour... there is no proof that work has begun on a Monkey Island 4, for all we know it could all be guess work. Still, if it is true.. I`d be happy :-)
Here is what it had to say:
"They are really busy in the software department: Xwing Alliance and indiana Jones will be finished in a few months and the monkey island 3 team is working on a yet secret next Monkey Island game and LucasLearning is working on the children`s title DroidWorks. Only Tim "Grim Fandango" Shafer is on holidays. Now there`s only the question what happened with the real time strategie game Force Commander... which release date was pushed back often. This title is not dead however, its story only collided with the story of The Phantom Menace, so the designers had to change it."More Ripped SoundsMrMutton has, using SCUMM Revisited, ripped some more sounds from CMI, get them here! Wallpapers
I`ve added three new Wallpapers to the Windows Section of the Downloads.
17th March 1999 Arrrrrrggg!!! SCUMM Revisited 2.0.6 Version 2.0.6 of SCUMM Revisited has been released, this version has what we have all been waiting for, the ability to rip music from CMI! We all owe Serge a Mug o' Grog for this one! Download now! Ripped Wavs
Using SCUMM Revisited I`ve ripped a few cool wavs, more soon!
- cmi-wally.zip - 304kb
- cmi-wally2.zip - 366kb
- cmi-haggis1.zip - 173kb
- cmi-cheer1.zip - 89kb
- cmi-clockchime.zip - 53kb
MP3s are still offline, but I hope it won`t be for yoo much longer now.Guitar Tab from CMI
Here is something interesting for all you Musicians, Greg Donert sent me a CMI Guitar Tab.. here is what he had to say about it:
well myself and Hannes have put our heads together and got the first guitar tab from CMI. We were wondering if you would like it on your site.
We are planning on doing more soon
- difficultyscreen.zip - 1kb
10th March 1999 Poor Wally SCUMM Re-Re-Revisited Yep... you got it, Version 2.0.5 of SCUMM Revisited has been released, and that talented guy Serge has made it possible to rip Sounds from CMI... for which we are eternally grateful :-) It doesn`t rip Music yet... but I`m sure Serge is working on it! To see more about what the program can do follow the 'more' link.
Wall to Wall WallpaperA couple of new Wallpapers have been added to the Windows section at Stan's Previously Owned Downloads.
4th March 1999 Pay another Visit... Monkey Island Adventure Pack The latest issue of the UK games magazine PC Zone has a small review of a game pack called The Monkey Island Adventure Pack. It contains Monkey Islands 1, 2 and 3 for a price of £39.99. For the Review click on 'more'.
SCUMM Revisited version 2.0.2
Version 2.0.2 of SCUMM Revisited has been released. If you want to rip graphics and sounds (including music) from your favourite LucasArts adventure, then this is the program for you! It also has a classic Easter Egg for you to find in the program ;-) LucasFans' Music
LucasFans have added a few new MI2 Midis and MP3s!! Which reminds me... sorry, but the SCUMM Bar MP3s are still offline :-(
Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.
1st March 1999 Re-Visit this... Want to Rip files from LEC games? SCUMM Revisited is the answer! It allows you to rip almost anything from all the LucasArts adventure games that use the SCUMM game engine. I`m sure most fans are interested in this, so it's well worth a look! While looking through some old computer magazines, I came accross a Interview with Tim Schafer I had missed. It's from the August '98 issue of Ultimate PC and mentions Monkey Island a few times, but it is mainly about Grim Fandango. Check out the Interview here.
Star Wars 3D Adventure gameNot Monkey Island related but what the heck :-) I saw this over at SCUMM, it appears there will be a Star Wars Adventure game (in 3D) due sometime in 1999 to coinside with Star Wars Ep1. Snugglecake was right ;-) Go here for the source. Also, I apologise... but the MP3s are still offline.
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