November 2000
Back to the SCUMM Bar
 | Thursday, November 30, 2000 |  | Monkey Island 5 Petition Posted by
Emma @ 21:40 GMT
It's not even been a month since EMI was released but a petition for a fifth game has started already. The petition can be found here if you wish to sign it (I personally think they should start a petition for the remaking of MI4.) Once the petition is complete it will be sent off to LucasArts, so it might just be worth signing if you would like to see a fifth game!
Thanks to Mercatfat for this news.
Adventure Gamer EMI Review Posted by
Emma @ 20:37 GMT
Adventure Gamer have their first review of two ready to read, written by #monkey-island op Peter Silk (MrCoulomb). Again, the game receives a high rating. There are no spoilers in this review which can be read here.
Hints... Posted by
Mandalor @ 9:45 GMT
For all you guys and girls out there having problems going through EMI, but don't want to spoil the whole thing with a walkthrough, here is good news: You can get small HINTS for the game without taking a look at a walkthrough at
Thanks to Steven Granade for the news.
 | Wednesday, November 29, 2000 |  | Simon Jeffery Interview Posted by
Emma @ 22:28 GMT
Game Center are doing an article named "Inside LucasArts" the first part includes an interview with none other than the president of LucasArts - Simon Jeffery. Part 1 of this article with the interview can be viewed here.
Monkey Island Contest Posted by
Emma @ 2:02 GMT
Website Just Adventure are running a competition where you can win either a copy of EMI or the Monkey Island Madness box - which contains MI1 and 2. To win you must answer 5 pretty challenging questions. The contest ends on the 31st of December and is open to anyone (even those of us who don't live in America!) so why not have a go here.
Thanks go to Gorbie for this news.
Larry Ahern Resigns? Posted by
Emma @ 1:15 GMT
Co-designer on CMI and Grim Fandango Larry Ahern has quit LucasArts according to reports. Ahern supposidly resigned last Wednesday - one day after the cancellation of the Star Wars game, Obi-Wan. If this is true we wish Mr. Ahern every luck in the future.
 | Tuesday, November 28, 2000 |  | Land Me An Interview Posted by
Skyfox @ 21:28 GMT
USA Today has a small article entitled On Your Own. It's about starting a business up from scratch and talks to Michael Land, it mentions what he is doing now.
Michael Land quit his job with computer game company LucasArts just two weeks ago. And then boom! There he was in the audience at Bootcamp as the co-founder and CEO of After 10 years of working in a corporate environment, he and two fellow computer geeks are going out on their own. "We’re developing a totally different way of working with digital media, like text and pictures, that puts the power of deep interactivity into the hands of the average person." Uh, he had already lost me. "What I mean is, people will be able to make fully interactive creations, like entertaining Web sites, just by clicking and dragging icons around. They won’t even know they’re programming!"Did the information and advice from the stage help him form a plan of action for his startup? "I came here hoping to get blasted with advice, and boy did I get what I was after! For two solid days you have all these successful people sitting right up there in front of you, telling you how it all works, and you start to realize that high-tech isn’t like the lottery after all. First, there are lots more winners. And second, skill does count." After two days of boot camp, Land is armed and dangerous. "Boot camp got me into shape," he says. It also got him a meeting with a potential financial backer. Many thanks to Telarium for the news!
European Reviews and Walkthroughs Posted by
Emma @ 7:14 GMT
French gaming site Game Data have a review of Escape from Monkey Island up as well as a full walkthrough and solutions to all the puzzles in the game - Monkey Kombat included. The review can be found here and the walkthough/solutions section can be found by following this link. Whilst German site GBase have a similar feature which can be read here.
 | Monday, November 27, 2000 |  | Reading EMI Posted by
Skyfox @ 17:51 GMT
[New Comics]Benjy sent a short Text document detailing how to read the various file formats used in EMI. View the text file here. I'll add this to the EMI section in HTML form soon.
EMI Characters Posted by
Emma @ 14:27 GMT
The Clearly Unofficial EFMI Site now has a full list of characters that you will encounter in EMI. To see this go here.
Thanks go to Muppet for this news.
 | Saturday, November 25, 2000 |  | LucasArts Icons Posted by
Emma @ 17:42 GMT
Classicgaming have some nice LucasArts icons available here. Sadly there are no Monkey Island ones at present but there are some nice other ones from games such as Sam and Max, it's worth a look!
Thanks go to Mercatfat for this information.
EMI Flying High at Amazon Posted by
Emma @ 16:36 GMT
Escape from Monkey Island has now been sitting quite comfortably in the top three chart for DVD's and Video Games at the UK Amazon website for quite some time now. Quite an achievement for an adventure game if I do say so myself!
Thanks to David John Churchill for this news.
Complete EMI Walkthrough Now Available Posted by
Emma @ 16:25 GMT
A complete walkthrough of EMI is now available at Adventure Games Solutions for anyone who needs help at any part of the game. The walkthrough has been broken down into many sections so that the game is not spoiled as much and making it easier to find the part you're stuck at. The complete walkthrough can be found here.
Thanks go to James Ellison for this news.
 | Friday, November 24, 2000 |  | Mixnmojo Bombad Interview Posted by
Emma @ 19:40 GMT
Although this is not Monkey Island news, those of you who are fans of most, or all things LucasArts related may be interested to know that Mixnmojo have an exclusive interview with the Project Leader - Micheal McCormick, on the LucasLearning game. The interview is an almighty 3 pages long and has many new screenshots. It's well worth the read. To read the interview just follow this link.
 | Thursday, November 23, 2000 |  | Mixnmojo Bug Reporter Posted by
Emma @ 20:34 GMT
Mixnmojo have set up an area on the site where bugs in EMI can be reported. All bugs that are reported will be forwarded to LucasArts. Bugs can be reported here. For a list of already reported bugs just follow this link. Please note that most bugs can now be fixed with the patch available at LucasArts which you can find here.
 | Wednesday, November 22, 2000 |  | EMI Update Now Available at LEC Posted by
Emma @ 22:28 GMT
For anyone who is having trouble with bugs etc. in EMI you may be interested to to know that there is now a patch available to rid of this on the LucasArts webpage. To find out more go here.
Please note that this is for the domestic version only.
 | Tuesday, November 21, 2000 |  | Once again new release date! Posted by
Dingy @ 12:45 GMT
There's a new release date for EMI in Finland. The new date is set to the 24th of November.
Thanks Wersus for the update.
EMI in Top 20 Selling PC Games of the Week Posted by
Emma @ 4:07 GMT
EMI has been reported as the 17th best selling game for the PC this week according to Game Week. This is a big achievement as it has been some time since an adventure game has featured in the top 20. To see this just click here.
 | Monday, November 20, 2000 |  | The Old Days Part 6 Posted by
Skyfox @ 21:58 GMT
Mixnmojo have just added Part 6 of their Old Days feature, and Shock, horror... it's all about The SCUMM Bar! Many thanks to Spaff for the cool feature!
CMI in CMI (yes, really) Posted by
Skyfox @ 14:46 GMT
After doing MI1 and MI2 in the style of CMI.. Paco has turned his attention to CMi itself, check out this bit of FanWork below, nice eh? This is the type of stuff we love to be able to show on the site.
First EMI Fansong Posted by
Emma @ 7:17 GMT
#monkey-Island op Ben Whatsisname has written the first (as far as I know) EMI fansong. The song is a remix of "The Immortals" old song "Mortal Kombat" with an EMI twist. You can download this nice little ditty by clicking here.
Thanks go to Ben Whatsisname for this news.
 | Saturday, November 18, 2000 |  | More EMI Reviews... Posted by
Emma @ 16:41 GMT
For those of you hungry to read *sigh* yet more EMI reviews, the websites Gamezone, GameSpy, Gaming Age and PC Game Review all now have reviews of EMI. Just follow the link to each review...
Gamezone Review Gamespy Review Gaming Age Review PC game review, review.
Thanks go to Frightener and Navhead for this news.
Interview With An italian Posted by
Skyfox @ 16:34 GMT
New today (yes really), an interview conducted by invisibelle with that most famous of voice artists, Dominic Armato! This isn't your ordinary interview though, check it out and find out why.
GameSpy Guybrush Interview Posted by
Emma @ 16:19 GMT
GameSpy have an exclusive interview with the Monkey Island main man Guybrush Threepwood! To read this amusing interview click on this link.
 | Friday, November 17, 2000 |  | Mixnmojo EMI First Impressions Article Posted by
Emma @ 21:47 GMT
Mixnmojo have put together a "first impressions" article about EMI. The article was composed by the Mixnmojo team, giving their thoughts on the game. The article also includes some hand picked screenshots from the full version of the game. To read the article go here. This article does contain some spoiler screens, but these can only be viewed if you wish to see them.
Brazillian Release Date Delayed. Posted by
Emma @ 21:35 GMT
This time the Brazillian release date of EMI has been delayed. EMI was originally meant to be released on the 15th of November in Brazil, has now been changed to the 20th of November
Thanks go to Gabriel Moser Torres for this news.
Definitive Monkey Island Website EMI Review Posted by
Emma @ 1:31 GMT
The Definitive Monkey Island website now has it's EMI review ready. This review is a fans opinion on the game and does contain some small spoilers. To read the review go here.
Thanks go to Chariset
 | Thursday, November 16, 2000 |  | Bad News for Norwegian MI Fans Posted by
Emma @ 10:22 GMT
The Norwegian release date of EMI has unfortunately been slightly delayed. Escape from Monkey Island, which was originally set to be released tomorrow - 17th of November, has now been delayed until the 22nd of November.
Thanks go to Kavefish for this news.
 | Wednesday, November 15, 2000 |  | Adventure Gamer 2D vs. 3D Article Posted by
Emma @ 6:06 GMT
Adventure Gamer now has an interesting article on 2D grapics vs. 3D graphics, giving a list of pro's and cons of both. It contains a few references to Monkey Island, as well as what many Monkey Island fans felt about the switch from 2D to 3D. The article can be read here.
For Optimum Results on a Geforce Posted by
Emma @ 5:30 GMT
For those of you playing EMI with a Geforce, you may be interested in a letter someone has sent to Daily Radar giving instructions on how to get the best out of the card for Escape from Monkey Island. Here are the given instructions...
"If you have a Geforce card, go to the options of Monkey Island, under diagnostic, choose OpenGl, go to your detonator properties and activate FSAA(2x2) for OpenGL. (Dont forget to deactivate them after playing monkey unless you like 10FPS in quake ;) )"
This is meant to improve the graphics throughout the game quite considerably and should cause no slowdown.
 | Tuesday, November 14, 2000 |  | GamePro EMI Review Posted by
Emma @ 5:39 GMT
Here we have yet another review on EMI. This time it's over at GamePro, so if you want to read another EMI review just click here. Again, EMI is given a high rating!
 | Monday, November 13, 2000 |  | Adventure Gamer EMI Project Leaders Interview Posted by
Emma @ 16:50 GMT
Adventure Gamer now have an interview on their site with Sean Clark and Mike Stemmle, the project leaders on EMI. Which has already been released in the USA and Australia and is set to be released in most European countries on the 17th of November (Friday). To read this interview go here!
 | Sunday, November 12, 2000 |  | For French MI Fans... Posted by
Emma @ 19:58 GMT
EMI is being released in France on the 23rd of November and if you buy it from Ubisoft you'll not only get it on the day it is released but you will also recieve a free mug! To go to the site to place an order click here.
Happy Birthday Spaff Posted by
Narrative @ 13:56 GMT
Grand Guru of all things LucasArts and the creator of the Mixnmojo community, which hosts the Scumm Bar, has reached the grand old age of 20! On behalf of everyone from the community, Happy Birthday!
Spectacular FanArt! Posted by
Skyfox @ 8:25 GMT
I have just updated the FanWork section, and while I don't usually put FanArt in the news, these two pictures of the first two Monkey Island games in a CMI style really impressed me! Both pictures were by Paco and I'm sure you will agree they deserve a special mention. 
 | Saturday, November 11, 2000 |  | EMI Review at The Clearly Unofficial EFMI Site Posted by
Emma @ 22:01 GMT
The Clearly Unofficial EFMI Site now has it's review of EMI up. This is probably the most realistic of EMI reviews I have read so far, and it contains no spoilers, so even if you haven't played EMI yet you can still read it. To read this review go here. Reading this review is strongly recommended!
Thanks go to _Muppet_
UK EMI Price Posted by
Pedgey @ 18:56 GMT
GAME have announced that EMI will cost £26.99 in the UK, and will be realeased on 17th Nov if all goes according to plan!
FanWork's Revenge Posted by
Huz @ 7:55 GMT
Those of you who have been visiting the SCUMM Bar for far too long might remember the old FanWork section. After a lengthy absence following its mysterious disappearance... it's back. And it's hungry.
Hungry for fans to submit their drawings, as well as fans to visit and admire the skill of the artists already featured. Check out the new improved FanWork section here! Submissions go to the energetic Skyfox.
Gamecenter Review Posted by
Skyfox @ 6:46 GMT
Another EMI review over at, do you want to know what score they gave it? Do you really want to know? Go look... it doesn't get any better!
 | Friday, November 10, 2000 |  | UK PC Gamer EMI Demo Posted by
Emma @ 21:41 GMT
For those of you like myself who do not have EMI yet or have not played the demo, you may be interested to hear that the UK edition of PC Gamer magazine now announced the EMI demo on it's coverdisk in next months edition. The demo is still 120mb and it is also available on the DVD edition of the magazine. So if you're in the UK and you really don't have the time to download the full demo purchasing the magazine may be a good idea!
Thanks go to Socrates for this information.
Dom Speaketh Once More Posted by
Skyfox @ 13:03 GMT have another interview with Dominic Armato. Not one to be left out, we will have a erm... differant kind of interview with Dom sometime in the future. Keep checking! Have you ever encountered someone you didn't know, but they happened to recognized that you were the voice of Mr. Threepwood?Dom: Nope, never. I've met people who already knew I had done the voice, and who commented that I sounded a lot like Guybrush, but nobody's ever made the connection by themselves. I consider this a good thing. I like to think I don't sound THAT geeky :-)
 | Thursday, November 9, 2000 |  | First impression Posted by
Mandalor @ 14:06 GMT
EBworld has just posted their first impression of emi. Check it out here.
Thanks to Frightener for the news.
PC Gamer review! Posted by
Mandalor @ 14:04 GMT
PC Gamer is the first magazine to review EMI. In Issue 90 they gave it the Game of the Month award, and a score of 93%. They also called it "the funniest game you'll ever play" and they said "this is why the adventure games genre was invented". Now, everyone should be sure if they should buy it or not :)
Thanks to Bad Bloke Bob for the news.
Rip, Tear, Cut, Gnash... Posted by
Skyfox @ 13:07 GMT
Game file Formats have released a program that will allow you to extract file formats from EMI in much the same way Scumm Rev worked. Includes images, video, sound etc. Saw this over at Mixnmojo. *salute*
Roy Conrad Posted by
Skyfox @ 12:39 GMT
Swordmaster has just emailed me with distressing new. Roy Conrad, the man behind the voice of Ben in Full Throttle is currently very sick with cancer. There are a lot of fans out there who will want to wish him well, so LucasFans has set up a short Get Well page with details of how to send mail to him. A postcard from me telling him how great he was in Full Throttle will be in the post this week.
I'm sure I can speak for all the SCUMM Bar staff when I say we wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.
 | Wednesday, November 8, 2000 |  | You Win Some... Posted by
Skyfox @ 3:02 GMT
LucasArts have announced the winner of their 'Create a Monkey Island Skin (for Media Player)' competition. The winner? Well, The Winner was #monkey-island regular... Andrew 'Telarium' Langley! View it here and download the skin from LEC's own MI4 page. Congrats Tel!
 | Tuesday, November 7, 2000 |  | More Reviews Posted by
Skyfox @ 17:09 GMT
Another EMI review over at Daily Radar, remember.. beware of ghost pirates... and spoilers.
Big Grin Posted by
Skyfox @ 17:05 GMT
Mixnmojo was recently featured in a South African games mag called New Age Gaming, seeing as The SCUMM Bar is part of mojo, we were also mentioned! They had nothing but kind words to say about both sites saying "Monkey Island fans can find the now legendary Scumm Bar site here...".You can find a scan of the article here! Hats off to Darth Phenom for sending this in!
EMI MP3's Posted by
Emma @ 5:16 GMT
For those of you lucky enough to own EMI (not me) you can play the music from the game in Winamp, if you carry out the following instructions...
Go to the 'textures' folder (available on both disks) and in the mego and spago directories rename any of the .m4b extensions to .mp3, et voila!
Thanks go to Frightener for this news.
 | Monday, November 6, 2000 |  | New EMI Screenshots! Posted by
invisibelle @ 20:28 GMT
For those of you (make that us) that don't have EMI yet, don't fret! It will arrive soonly. For now, take a look at a few new screenshots brought to you by Gamespy. Thanks to telarium for the news. :)
Today's The Day Posted by
Skyfox @ 5:15 GMT
This is it... EMI should be available for most of you folks over in the USA. Please be considerate, us poor people outside the US won't see EMI for a good few days yet... no spoilers, or I'll run ya through with my Cutlass! (Strange how we spend our time trying to get as much info about a games as possible, and then want no spoilers when it is releasd! Crazy!)
 | Saturday, November 4, 2000 |  | Voice Actors Get Own Site! Posted by
Skyfox @ 11:56 GMT
Cool new site alert! I just took a quick look at the LucasArts Voice Actors Archive, and I have to say... it's brilliant! Why hasn't someone done this before? I didn't realise the voice of Ms. Rivers in EMI was done by the same lady who played Mr. Rooney's secretary in Ferris Bueller's Day Off... classic!
Shipping? Today? Posted by
Mandalor @ 7:37 GMT
John Breuls from Canada has just sent me a mail telling Escape from Monkey Island was shipped in Canada today. He also tells us that of Canada has notified him that they are shipping the copy via Canada Post Courier and that he will have it on Monday. Congrats, Canada! :)
 | Friday, November 3, 2000 |  | The First of Many Posted by
Skyfox @ 13:03 GMT
Gamesdomain have the first full review of Escape from Monkey Island. New screenshots are also included, be cautious of spoilers though.
 | Thursday, November 2, 2000 |  | Quiz #19 Posted by
Skyfox @ 12:28 GMT
Time for a new quiz! This one comes from BlondeBeard over at The Legend of Monkey Island. Just so you know, I scored 6/10, let's see you (yes, you!) do better!
Update (invisibelle): I scored 6/10 as well! emma: Also got 6/10! Huz: I really broke the mould with a fantastic 6/10. Whoop!
Third Part of Dominic Armato Interview Posted by
Emma @ 7:13 GMT
The Monkeycenter webpage now has the third and final part of the Dominic Armato interview up. To read the last part of the interview go here. In this interview Dom talks about his future plans and a little more about EMI. If you have not read Part 1 and/or Part 2 just click on the appropriate link to read.
Dutch EMI release date Posted by
Emma @ 6:58 GMT
The Dutch release date for EMI is that of the same for the most of Europe, being the 17th of November.
I have also just recieved word that the Swedish release date is the same as the Dutch.
Thanks go to HorckDude for this news.
 | Wednesday, November 1, 2000 |  | Release date Posted by
Mandalor @ 11:32 GMT has just posted the Danish EMI release date. It's the 17th of November.
Thanks to Ken Christensen for the news.
Another interview Posted by
Mandalor @ 11:31 GMT
There is another interview with Dominic Armato on Thanks to Marcus Bäumer for the interview and the news.
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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout