December 2000
Back to the SCUMM Bar
 | Sunday, December 31, 2000 |  | Merry New Year! Posted by
Skyfox @ 22:31 GMT
Or is it Happy New Year? Either way... all the staff here at The SCUMM Bar wish you a monkey-filled 2001 (hey, they had them in that SCI-FI film... with sticks and bones and beatings... oh, eck.)
 | Saturday, December 30, 2000 |  | It's A Skull! I'm Scared! Posted by
Huz @ 9:22 GMT
And from the "and finally" department: Have you tried typing skull in EMI? Well worth a go. This only seems to work in some locations, but it does work. Really.
Sorry I don't remember where I read this. (Hopefully not on this site...) :)
There's another skull-related activity available in the game: Murray Pong! To activate this, spin Murray on Jambalaya until he starts repeating himself, face Guybrush away from any objects, and type murrayball. I've not tried this one yet, but thanks to's forum for this one. :)
A Defeat Posted by
Huz @ 9:16 GMT
Gamespot (not the UK edition who have already voted EMI as best adventure) have posted their 'Best and Worst of 2000' article. Escape from Monkey Island was shortlisted for the categories of "Best Story" and "Best Adventure", but was beaten in both by The Longest Journey from Funcom. Read all about it here.
SiteWatch UK Posted by
Huz @ 9:13 GMT
Various snippets of news from around the web, some of it new and some of it not-so-new:- Grim Fandango Central has posted an interview with Bret Mogilefsky, lead programmer on Grim Fandango and initial lead programmer on EMI. An interesting read if you're at all interested in what goes into making a LucasArts adventure.
- ArenaGames have posted a look back on the heyday of LucasArts adventure games.
- Looking for injokes and secrets? The World of Monkey Island have updated their 'funny things' section. They've also posted a nice piece of fan art.
- Voodoo Extreme have chosen EMI as their Adventure Game of the Year, beating competition from The Longest Journey and... nothing. They didn't give a third prize. Read why here.
 | Wednesday, December 27, 2000 |  | EMI Wins Best Adventure Award Posted by
Emma @ 23:59 GMT
EMI has been voted Best Adventure Game of The Year over at GameSpot UK and was up against fierce competition from games such as Devil Inside and In Cold Blood. The entire article can be read here.
 | Tuesday, December 26, 2000 |  | DALnet Problems Posted by
Emma @ 14:51 GMT
Those of you (including myself) who are ops/regulars on #monkey-island may have noticed that most of the servers are down. Due to this we have decided that will be the official server until the problems heal or that server falls victim also. I will keep you all posted in any changes in the official server.
 | Monday, December 25, 2000 |  | Merry Christmas. One and All! Posted by
Skyfox @ 3:40 GMT
All the Staff here at The SCUMM Bar wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Check out this festive picture that Paco created, can this guy draw or what!
 | Sunday, December 24, 2000 |  | A HighLand Christmas Gift! Posted by
invisibelle @ 3:18 GMT
After over 550 days without an update, telarium has finally brought us new music, a Christmas surprise. You can download it here. Nice flute, too. ;)
 | Saturday, December 23, 2000 |  | Results of #MI Survey Posted by
Emma @ 18:32 GMT
The results of the #monkey-island Christmas Survey by Mutton are now ready to view! A very good laugh with most of the channel regulars and yes, even The SCUMM Bar staff being mentioned. You can see the results here.
'Tis the Season Posted by
invisibelle @ 14:45 GMT has a pop-up Christmas greeting, and it looks pretty darn cool. If you haven't seen it already, do so now.
 | Friday, December 22, 2000 |  | EMI Viewer Thing Posted by
Huz @ 20:24 GMT
Version 2.0 of the EMI Resource Viewer, a program allowing you to view some of the background images and textures from EMI, has been released by Here's a list of things it can do, taken from the readme text file:list the contents of a LucasArts/Monkey Island 4 bundle (the *.lab and *.m4b files)show the background graphics (*.til in the bundles)show the TGA texture mapsshow the BMP texture maps (or rather copies of the actual texture maps)show the LAF font files (still not complete but it almost works)play the AIF audio files (used for the background sound effects, not for speech)show some text files inside the bundles (*.tab and *.sur files)Interested, eh? Download the file here and read the included text file for more details!
MI5 Competition Posted by
Skyfox @ 8:49 GMT
Bit late with this one, but nevermind that! are running a competition! Tell ya what, I'll just tell you what they told me, ok? is pleased to announce our last contest of the year. From now until December 31, 2000, we are accepting entries for Monkey Island 5 introductions. We want this contest to be a fun way to end Escape from Monkey Island and begin thinking of Monkey Island 5. All entries must be 200-300 words and sent via our Contest Entry Form. For more rules and information, check out the entry form.
As the prizes for this contest, we will be giving out three free copies of Grim Fandango to the top three entries. We are looking for creative, piratey, and humourous material to post on the web. May the best Monkey Island fans win!"
Another EMI Review... Posted by
Mandalor @ 5:35 GMT
There's an EMI review on FiringSquad: They gave EMI a 90%.
Thanks to Figment for the news.
 | Tuesday, December 19, 2000 |  | EMI Art in a CMI Style Posted by
Skyfox @ 11:49 GMT
Paco has once again delivered to us some stunning FanArt! It is once again in the style of CMI... but with EMI characters... it even *giggle* has the *chuckle* duck! 
Interactive Fiction EMI article Posted by
Mandalor @ 8:00 GMT
Interactive Fiction has an excellent three-part article on the puzzles in EMI. They deal with: The Evolution of Puzzles, Why EMI's Puzzles are Good, Where the Puzzles Go Wrong.
Thanks to for the news
EMI WinAMP skin Posted by
Mandalor @ 7:49 GMT
To make your pc even more EMI-themed, you can download a EMI WinAmp skin from Pretty cool.
Thanks to Telarium for the news.
Portugese walkthrough Posted by
Mandalor @ 7:47 GMT
The EMI walkthrough has been translated to Portugese. You can find it at
Thanks to Gabriel Moser Torres for the news.
 | Monday, December 18, 2000 |  | Christmas present from The Monkey Center Posted by
Mandalor @ 12:08 GMT
The Monkey Center ( has posted a "Christmas Present" for the #monkey-island users. You can find it here. Pretty cool, I think. Go see for yourself!
Thanks to Jojo for the news.
 | Saturday, December 16, 2000 |  | Vote EMI Posted by
Skyfox @ 10:12 GMT
GameSpy are currently holding their Gamer's Choice Awards, there is quite a bit of competition in the adventure catagory... but last I looked, EMI was winning! Thanks to for the news!
 | Friday, December 15, 2000 |  | Another MI cartoon strip Posted by
Mandalor @ 18:23 GMT
There is another MI-inspired cartoon strip at This one includes Murray.
Thanks to Jeremy George for the news.
Yet ANOTHER EMI Review Posted by
Pedgey @ 12:59 GMT
PCZone (a UK PC games mag) have put their EMI review on their website. They gave it a rather nice score of 82%, however, they were quite brutal. The reviewer had these comments: Escape From Monkey Island is an enjoyable, professionally created and amiably funny game. It doesn't do anything startlingly new, but is still an essential title for the hordes of people who grew up playing adventures. Because you are still out there, aren't you? BEWARE THOUGH! This review contains spoilers!
Thanks to Darren Szech for the news.
 | Thursday, December 14, 2000 |  | Monkey Island Computer Icons Posted by
Emma @ 18:04 GMT
Website The Videogame Wallpaper Page that I mentioned a while back as having LEC icons now has Monkey Island icons! Well worth a look.
Monkey Island Related Comics Posted by
Emma @ 0:44 GMT
GodzillaX8 e-mailed me to inform me of some Monkey Island related comics over at The Bench website. At present there are two comics, the first comic can be found here and the second by following this link. Both are quite amusing and cute, so they're worth a look.
Thanks to GodzillaX8 for this news.
 | Wednesday, December 13, 2000 |  | Mike and Sean Interview Posted by
Emma @ 14:57 GMT
The Clearly Unofficial EFMI Site now has another exclusive interview with the project leaders of EMI, Sean Clark and Mike Stemmle. In this inverview the guys talk about the making of the game, the cast and crew and also the future. The interview does contain some spoilers and can be read here.
The first Mike and Sean interview can be found here.
Thanks go to _Muppet_ for this news.
 | Tuesday, December 12, 2000 |  | GameSpy Poll Posted by
Emma @ 17:53 GMT
GameSpy have a poll in which you can vote for what you think was the best adventure game of the year (yes, EMI is in there) To vote and view the choices go here.
EMI mp3 converter Posted by
Mandalor @ 16:10 GMT
The "Hell Bovines", a minor programming group, has made a nifty little program that is able to convert the *.m4b music files from EMI straightly into MP3. This one is a Scummbar exclusive! You can download it here.
Thanks to Michel Maas of the Hell Bovines for the news.
UPDATE: This file just renames the .mb4 files to .mp3 as the music used in EMI is already in MP3 format. Only use this program if you have no idea how to rename files ;-)
 | Monday, December 11, 2000 |  | Congratulations Ben! Posted by
Skyfox @ 7:46 GMT
Congratulations to the webmaster of the Kickstand, Ben_Whatsisname and his wife! Baby_Whatsername was born at 1:11am on 12/11/00, weighing 6 lbs, 6 ounces and 18 inches long. Ben was quoted as saying "Instead of crying, she looked at me and cried "I wanna be a pirate!" That's my baby!"
 | Saturday, December 9, 2000 |  | New EMI Screenshots Posted by
Emma @ 20:58 GMT
For anyone who is yet to play Escape from Monkey Island, you may like to know that LucasArts now have 6 brand spanking new screenshots of the game over at their EMI section.
Swedish and Greek Walkthroughs Posted by
Emma @ 20:25 GMT
Swedish Monkey Island site Swemonkey have a walkthrough of EMI available in Swedish. Whilst Greek site AdventureNet have a Greek version available.
Thanks go to |DonGrif| and Justmc for this news.
Gamespot UK Competition Posted by
Skyfox @ 18:32 GMT
Just noticed this now... Gamespot UK have a competition to win Escape from Monkey Island. So if you are too much of a scrooge to go buy it... then again, you may just want as many copies as possible!
An Interview with Tim Schafer Posted by
Emma @ 18:14 GMT
Website Gamespot have an interview with ex LucasArts man Tim Schafer who was the project leader on Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and more recently Grim Fandango. In this interview Tim talks about his new games company "Double Fine" and life after LucasArts. This interview can be read here.
Source: Mixnmojo
New York Times review! Posted by
Mandalor @ 10:24 GMT
The New York Times had a review on EMI this thursday. They had a pretty long review saying about the same things every other review has said, including: great gameplay, hilarious, decent graphics and great voice acting.
Thanks to Eli for the news.
 | Friday, December 8, 2000 |  | New LEC Poll Posted by
Skyfox @ 14:00 GMT
LucasArts have updated the Monkey 4 site with a nice new poll. This one asks "Have you completed Escape from Monkey Island" the answer in my case is no... I'm pacing myself... really.. what do you mean bad excuse? It's the truth! Well I don't care what you think anyway... *sulk*
Thanks to Swordmaster for the news.
 | Thursday, December 7, 2000 |  | Spanish Walkthrough Posted by
Emma @ 8:06 GMT
Monkey Island Argentina have added a walkthrough of EMI in Spanish which you can find on the site.
Thanks go to Vacacionero for this news.
 | Tuesday, December 5, 2000 |  | Nokia MI Ringtone Posted by
Emma @ 7:45 GMT
Monkey Island fansite The Legend of Monkey Island now has the Monkey Island theme tune ringtone available for Nokia mobile phones. As well as that, the site has the ringtone available for Ericsson and Siemens phones, which you can find here.
MI1 Screenplay Posted by
Emma @ 4:43 GMT
Trapezoid has written his version of a Monkey Island 1 screenplay. At the moment the screenplay is limited to the first act of The Secret of Monkey Island but it's still worth a look!
Thanks to Trapezoid for this news.
 | Sunday, December 3, 2000 |  | WOW, What a Site! Posted by
Skyfox @ 18:26 GMT just sent me a nice email to say they have added The SCUMM Bar to their list of sites with WOW Web Designs (hence the name, how did you miss that?) This is what they had to say... cheers guys!Incredible opening page truly loyal to the spirit of the Monkey Island series complete with the cloudy background, Murray and the green spit! Excellent graphic job!
Top 10 Monkey Island Sites Posted by
Emma @ 18:06 GMT
The Monkeycenter webpage has compiled its list of the top 10 Monkey Island sites kicking around on the web. The list gives the possitives and negatives of every site, The SCUMM Bar came in an admirable third place.
MI 1 and 2 With Voices Posted by
Emma @ 17:15 GMT
Would you like to see LucasArts remake Monkey Island 1 and 2 with voices? If so then you will be interested to hear that there has been a petition set up to support this. Just like the petition for the making of MI5, the petition will be sent to LucasArts after it has finished. This is a great chance to try and persuade LEC to make MI 1 and 2 with voices so get voting!
Thanks go to Pakolmo for this information.
EMI + Strategy Guide Posted by
Skyfox @ 6:03 GMT
For all those in the UK who feel a little left out by not getting the Walkthrough with their version of EMI like the US versions, i saw something interesting while watching Blam on Sky 1. are selling EMI and the Offcial Stratagy Guide for £34.99. If the EMI guide is as good as the CMI guide, it's well worth getting.
 | Friday, December 1, 2000 |  | #Monkey-Island Survey Posted by
Emma @ 23:06 GMT
It's almost Christmas again, which means only one thing (apart from presents and all that malarky) it's time for the annual #monkey-island survey! - created by #mi op Mutton. So if you'd like to voice your opinion on the things/people which were part of the channel this year just go here.
Mixnmojo EMI Competition Posted by
Emma @ 22:55 GMT
Site of all thing LucasArts, Mixnmojo are running a competition where you can win a copy of EMI - signed by the project leaders Mike Stemmle and Sean Clark! There are 10 copies to be given away. To win you must create the Ultimate Insult, if you can. The contest is open to anyone and will run until the 15th of December. For more information go here.
Please note that you must be signed up as a member of Mixnmojo to enter the competition.
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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout