March 2001
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 | Saturday, March 31, 2001 |  | Achtung Peons Posted by
Joey the Fish @ 18:49 GMT
( Comments 6 )
Greetings peons!
Today is a great day for me and my aquatic brethren. We have toiled against oppression and hardship for years. Today, we take our prize.
I am the great Joey the Fish. You may have heard of me. (Probably not, but there is always hope that somewhere in your empty minds, there is some limited knowledge.) Together with my associates, I have been fighting for freedom and recognition. Today, our crack JWRAT team secured this victory for us. Victory is sweet.
The war will continue on apace. Joey the FishNET, our voice unto the world, will lead the battle. There can be no stopping us now. Today, the Monkey Island SCUMM Bar. Tomorrow, the world.
Our plans have progressed too far to be ruined now. Resistance is futile. We have become immortal. End transmission.
CMI Memory Card Game Posted by
invisibelle @ 13:49 GMT
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The prolific Mr. Andrew 'telarium' Langley has come out with yet another toy for the Monkey Island fans, a CMI Memory game, made in Shockwave. It's cute! It's fun! It's CMI, for god's sake! Play it here!
 | Wednesday, March 28, 2001 |  | Survey The Seven Seas Posted by
Skyfox @ 22:16 GMT
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Just an email that dropped into my mail box this evening from LucasArts. They have set up a survey asking for responses to EMI. It mentions the SCUMM Bar and Mixnmojo (gotta love 'em) but best of all is this question.Which of the following best describes your feeling about a possible future Monkey Island sequel?
Walled Up Posted by
Skyfox @ 14:33 GMT
( Comments 1 ) have a couple of new EMI wallpapers to celebrate the Mac release of CMI. Grab them from the features section! I WILL resist a Mac joke.. I WILL resist a Mac joke! News nabbed from Mixnmojo.
 | Monday, March 26, 2001 |  | It Was Silver... Right? Posted by
invisibelle @ 11:49 GMT
( Comments 1 )
Andrew "telarium" Langley has graced us with another very funny animation, this time with art from the first game of the series, Secret of Monkey Island. You can view that at
 | Saturday, March 24, 2001 |  | Ron Gilbert Article Posted by
Huz @ 6:06 GMT
( Comments 2 )
Game magazine Edge has printed an article about the early LucasArts games, especially The Secret Of Monkey Island, featuring Ron Gilbert! Discussed in the article is Maniac Mansion, the birth of Monkey Island, how Herman ended up in the game, and how Guybrush got his name (we all know that one!). Gilbert goes on to talk about how he liked COMI:"I thought that Monkey Island 3 was pretty good," offers Gilbert. "I liked the writing a lot. There were some story issues that I did not like. Elaine would never, ever, never, never, ever, fall in love with Guybrush. I have not played Monkey Island 4."..."I have this fantasy that some day LucasArts will sell me Monkey Island, and I'll do the 'true' Monkey Island 3. People will play it and the Internet will be alive with buzz, saying things like: 'That was stupid!', and 'I like the other Monkey Island 3 better.' Ah, you gotta love the Internet." So long as his game would be Monkey Kombat-free, I'd be happy. Anyway, click these thumbnails to see scans of the article (thanks Scabb!). They've been reduced to 16-colour grey scale to keep file sizes down.
 | Thursday, March 22, 2001 |  | EMI Goes Gold... Again Posted by
Huz @ 14:24 GMT
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We haven't really been covering the progress of the Mac port of EMI, so this might come as a surprise: the final Mac version of EMI has been sent off for duplication and should be available within a month. A demo will be apparently be available soon after release of the full game. For more information (and system requirements), check out Aspyr's EMI Page. Or you could look at LucasMacs. Which is good.
Larry Ahern Joins Microsoft Posted by
Emma @ 11:45 GMT
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It has been reported that Larry Ahern, who designed games for LucasArts has been recruited by computer giants Microsoft. Larry will be working as head of art development for Microsoft's action game group. We would all like to wish Larry good luck in his new job!
Source: Mixnmojo.
 | Tuesday, March 20, 2001 |  | New Poll Posted by
Emma @ 9:25 GMT
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Incase you didn't notice already we have a new poll where you can decide what you want to see more of on this site! This a great chance to submit your thoughts on what you want to see more of.
 | Sunday, March 18, 2001 |  | Wordsearch Competition Posted by
Pedgey @ 9:43 GMT
( Comments 2 )
Ok. Prompted by some of the comments I've been getting we've decided to launch a new competition. The "SILLY WORD SPOTTER 2001". "What do we have to do, Pedgey?" I hear you cry out! Well, its really quite simple. All you do is to go to our new wordsearch and take a screenshot showing the strangest word you can find. Now we arent looking for rude words, more silly words that shouldn`t really be there. As an example, i managed to find "SKY" and "FOX" in the same grid. Simply send a jpg image of the wordsearch grid to me before the end of March and we shall post the winner in the first week of April. PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES!!! We have one prize up for grabs, a FABULOUS @THESCUMMBAR.COM EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!!!!
Good Luck :)
 | Saturday, March 17, 2001 |  | New Game Posted by
Pedgey @ 19:28 GMT
( Comments 1 )
I've put together a little Java wordsearch for you to play with, it can be found here, or by clicking through the links. It`s different every time you play, and we may put in some new words to look for at a later time. Have fun :)
 | Thursday, March 15, 2001 |  | Bwahahaha! Posted by
Emma @ 15:31 GMT
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The Clearly Unofficial EFMI Site has an interview with the voice of one of Monkey Island's most memorable and entertaining characters, none other than Denny Delk the voice of Murray in CMI and EMI. Read the interview here.
How did you end up doing voice-over acting?
I wanted to be a lawyer, but they didn't like it when I talked like Sylvester the Cat.
EMI for the PS2 Posted by
Emma @ 15:22 GMT
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LucasArts have just announced the debut of the Monkey Island series on the console with EMI for the PS2. Hopefully this should bring more fans to the series and adventure games as a whole. You can read the press release here.
 | Monday, March 12, 2001 |  | Posted by
Skyfox @ 14:57 GMT
( Comments 3 )
Just a quick note... to send in news to us, use this address, See.. nice and simple!
 | Saturday, March 10, 2001 |  | PS2 EMI Posted by
Skyfox @ 8:06 GMT
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FGN Online have posted rumours about LucasArts planning to release EMI on the Playstation 2 console.Rumors have emerged suggesting that LucasArts is looking to release Escape From Monkey Island on PlayStation 2.The graphic adventure from LucasArts is apparently in "testing" for a release later this year on PlayStation 2, according to Next Generation magazine.No further details were available, but we hope to receive a comment from LucasArts on the rumor soon Maybe those console things aren't so bad after all... Thanks to Mixnmojo for the news.
 | Friday, March 9, 2001 |  | is Back! Posted by
Skyfox @ 11:20 GMT
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Just a quick word to let everyone know that URL is now working again... cheers Spaff! The URL will continue to work, though. (I think!)
Mac EMI in a Month Posted by
Skyfox @ 11:16 GMT
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MacNN have announced that the Mac version of EMI should be released this month. News spotted over at Adventure gamer!
 | Thursday, March 8, 2001 |  | Have Microphone, Will Travel? Posted by
Chariset @ 17:15 GMT
( Comments 3 )
Plunder 3D, home of the semi-famous Half-Life Plunder Island mod, is looking for voice talent. If anyone has ever told you "You sound just like LeChuck!" (or if no one has but you think they should), stop by and check out the site. P3D needs voices for Guybrush, Elaine, LeChuck, and sundry others--the closer to CMI, the better. So what are you waiting around here for??
 | Monday, March 5, 2001 |  | EMI Is Not Monkey Island Posted by
Huz @ 12:20 GMT
"THAT'S NOT MONKEY ISLAND!!", cry the authors of The Essential Guide to Monkey Island on one of its pages. They're talking about EMI.Hardly an original feeling I know, but it's sparked off an interesting thread over at Mixnmojo. Read or contribute to the thread here, and visit the site that started it all here. I know a lot of people should have something to say. ;) Source: Mixnmojo
 | Sunday, March 4, 2001 |  | Plunder, Plunder updates Posted by
Skyfox @ 15:29 GMT
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Plunder 3D (That Half Life map of Plunder Island you may have heard something about) has been updated. take a look at that scene of LeChuck's arm with Cutlass! Be sure to check the concept art too... Paco (who has done some fanwork for us in the past has some really excellent pics!
Pretty Nice Site Posted by
Pedgey @ 11:51 GMT
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Just had word of a rather nice-looking EMI site, The World of Good. It's quite nice, and has some nice original graphics (well, I've never seen 'em before) worth checking out...
 | Friday, March 2, 2001 |  | New EMI Wallpapers Posted by
Skyfox @ 16:36 GMT
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Over at, they have a few new EMI wallpapers in a variety of resolutions. Check out the wallpapers here, here and here now! (or later, don't feel pressurised in any way)
Thanks goto JBRAA for this one.
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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout