For prosperity's sake: This article is almost two decades old and no longer reflects . . . anything. We apologize!
Denny Delk Interview
An article by Muppet, posted on July 22. 2003.
_Muppet_ talks to Denny Delk, voice of Murray.
Part 1 - A Brief

Could you
please tell us a little bit about yourself?>
I'm a voice-over (VO) guy who has been doing this since before the turn of the
century. I live near >
What are you working
on at the moment?>
the game world, I'm doing some stuff for learning game for kids. And I just had
lunch with a producer friend about doing some voices for a couple of new
LucasArts games
How did you
end up doing voice-over acting?>
wanted to be a lawyer, but they didn't like it when I talked like Sylvester the
You've done a
bit of on-camera work - do you prefer voice-over work, and if so why?>
over is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. You can be anybody you
want to be. It's like radio. You get to make up the pictures in your own mind.
Which was the
first 'talkie' game that you were involved on? How challenging did you find it
to provide voices for a computer game and were you pleased with the end result?>
Part 2 - Escape

How did you
initially get the part of Murray in CMI?>
had worked with LucasArts>, and they were looking for
someone who had a high SQ (silliness quotient). They let me ad lib a little,
which brings a little wackiness that's hard to just sit down and write.
You've played Murray in two Monkey Island games now - Curse of Monkey Island
and Escape From Monkey Island (EFMI). Which did you prefer, and why?>
not much of a game player myself. I do like a good twitch game now and
again...Rebel Assault, X-Wing, Tie Fighter...
Were you
disappointed by the reduced role Murray played in EFMI compared to CMI?>
Were there any differences in the recording of voices (new technology, etc.) between CMI and EFMI?
guys are on the low end of the technology ladder. There is a room, a go in and talk to yourself. I had new shoes that fastened with
Velcro at the EFMI recording. Does that technology count?
Hmmm...maybe. What did the average day in the voice studios for CMI and EFMI consist of?>
Lucas people are kind of like family. We get a chance to visit, catch up. Play
a little. As I said, they let me adlib a bit too. That's really just to keep
Darragh> (the producer) on his toes.
Apparently Murray> was originally just a cameo character in CMI who developed
into a main character after feedback on the demo. Were you originally
contracted for just that short scene on the boat and then called back to read
more lines when the demonic skull proved popular?>

did a lot of work as the character developed. And they liked that I made >
Did you get a
chance to meet any of the other voice-over actors, or were you just recording
on your own?>
on MI, but I've met and know a lot of VO folks on other games.
The technology requires> that we record
What chance is
there for ad-libs to be put into the game? Or are you working to a strict
I said earlier, because of the unique nature of >
Was there a
particular line from the dialogue of either CMI or EFMI that stuck with you as
a favourite>?>
remember recording the line "I'm gonna put such a curse on you". That
is the quintessential Murray.>
What were the
hardest things about the job? And what were the best?>
I do this for a living, so sometimes
you don't know when your next job is coming.
A fellow who played an>
Ewok> with me on the Ewoks>
cartoon show used to say...."In our business, if you work with someone a
lot, you see 'em once a week. If you like that person, you look forward to that
once a week. There are new stories and jokes. There is catching up. There is
the anticipation of a nice time to come. If you hate that person's guts, you
only have to see 'em once a week.
Are you a fan
of the
games outside of work?>
I said, I'm not much of a gamer, but I do like the games a lot. The fantasy
aspect is great fun.
Have you had a
chance to play CMI and EFMI fully? If so, what did you think of them?>
and they are quite good. But my attention is just too short. In fact,
Ifinish this later.
Part 3 - Other Work
You've done a
fair amount of work voicing over for LucasArts> games.
Which has been your favourite> role so far, and why?>
are all fun, for different reasons. I love doing aliens; to create a new sound.
Do you keep in
touch with the people you meet whilst doing the voices for the games, or
is> it just 'another job'?>
I said earlier, it is kind of family like. We definitely keep in touch.
Do you know if
you'll be doing any more LucasArts> voice-over in the
earlier reference to lunch with producer.
What projects
do you have lined up? Are you working on anything at the moment?>
writing this over President's Day Weekend. I have a Wal-Mart spot set up for
What's been
your most memorable job so far?>
are all treasures. But cartoons are the most fun.
Finally, if
you could have had any role in existence, which one would you want and why?>