Purcell Discusses Monkey Island rip-off, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

I’m almost certain you’ve already heard that Disney+’s newest Star WarSkeleton Crew – is inspired by Monkey Island, and yay to that. I haven’t actually watched the show, but it must be kind of “a big deal,” seeing a) StarWars.com has a a story about it and, b) Steve Purcell created a poster for it:

The final piece is as much an homage to the stories that inspired Watts and Ford as it is a love letter to Purcell’s own contributions to animation and illustration. “We were both huge fans of his work on those games and Sam & Max comics and on,” Ford says. “Copying his art was how I learned how to draw hands. It was a thrill just getting to talk to Steve on the phone, let alone get him to create original art of our characters! They all look so right in his art style, I think, because he was such an early inspiration for us. His sense of humor really made a strong impression on us and we hope it comes through!”

Go read and/or just admire the poster.

Steve Purcell Skeleton Crew posts