Back in the day, we did quizzes. Here is a legacy quiz.

The SCUMM Bar Quiz #13

Date Added - 29th February 2000
Questions by Chariset.

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1. How many full-sized ships do we see in CMI? (This does not include rowboats or dinghies)?


2. What is true of every ship Guybrush has Captained?

Every ship's previous crew were monkeys.
Every ship has the word "Monkey" somewhere in the name.
Every ship's crew mutinied at some early point in the journey.
Every answer above is true.

3. Finish this line: "Since you' using it, can I have your ________?"

Brimstone Beach Club card
engagement band

4. What is unique about the Semi-Fearsome pirate?

He's black
He's right-handed
He pronounces 'Caribbean' differently
Both of his eyes appear to be on the same side of his head

5. Why, would you suppose, did the lighthouse's light go out?

A strong wind broke the windows and blew out the lantern.
A kid threw a stone through the windows and broke the lantern.
LeChuck deliberately sabatoged the lighthouse.
Guybrush broke the windows getting in and clumsily knocked the lantern off its post.

6. In CMI's famous question, what should be sharper than what?

Your sword should be sharper than your opponent's.
Your mind should be sharper than your opponent's.
Your tongue should be sharper than your sword.
Your wit should be sharper than your sword.

7. What show does Goodsoup present at his Hotel and Casino?

Voulez-vous Vichysoisse
High Explosive
Griswold Goodsoup Presents

8. What time is this show?

Nightly at 6:00pm
Weekly at 7:00pm
Weekly at 11:00pm
Nightly at 7:00pm

9. How many accidents (that we know of) has the broken lighthouse caused?

0 (It wasn't really an accident)

10. What does Guybrush offer Haggis while trying to convince him to help with ship combat?

The Sea Cucumber
A date with his sister
A kiss from Elaine
His undying gratitude