Tiller answers questions
In case you haven't been following The Inventory's birthday bash, they have been setting up online forum chats with a bunch of adventure developers, most of which people probably don't care about. That's not to say a few gems haven't popped in, and yesterday Bill Tiller started answering some questions about his new game, A Vampyre Story. Make sure to go check them out.
Telltale Games will be on later tonight, so make sure you pump them for information about their big new project right here.
I wanted to make a playable demo to show Simon Jefferies at Lucas Arts. At the time I was trying to get a position at Lucas Arts as a project leader and I thought the best way to proven I was capable of making a game WAS to make a short game . But I was offered the Full Throttle 2 art director job and that sounded like fun so I did that instead, all the time keeping the idea for AVS on the back burner. But at that time AVS was just a couple of sketches doodles in my sketch book.
Telltale Games will be on later tonight, so make sure you pump them for information about their big new project right here.