Monkey Island fan fiction - not very good?

In a recent PC Gamer article, Monkey Island was being used as an example of particularly bad fan fiction, with this not so flattering statement:
"In particular LucasArts Monkey Island series of games have been the target of countless attempts at allegedly humerous fan fiction over the years."

Rough stuff indeed, and while I dont always hold PC Gamers word as gospel, I actually tend to agree with the author here; Im not a fan of the vast majority of Monkey Island fanfic Ive read so far. At the same time, as our current poll probably reveals, we are currently considering adding a fan fiction section here, but are having second thoughts in the light of this article. What we would like, is to hear some feedback from our readers. Is PC Gamer wrong? Or would adding fan fiction like this make it seem like were catering for sub-standard material? Make your voice heard in the comment section.

A big thanks to our Emma for finding this article.