For prosperity's sake: This article is almost two decades old and no longer reflects . . . anything. We apologize!
To 3D or not to 3D
An article by Gabez, posted on July 15. 2004.

Weve heard it all before. 3D is the way forward, not 2D! Forget 2D! Its ancient! Its old news! Only baby-eating barbarians living in huts in 6th century AD England use 2D! Thats how old it is! In fact, to illustrate my point through the magic of the analogy, 2D is the man who unblocks all the waste from your toilet, and 3D is some hunky underwear model living in Madrid! Superfluous use of exclamation marks and long drawn-out analogies aside, the point is that 3D is undoubtedly the way to go.
...Or is it? Okay, so admittedly 3D is necessary for games like Half-life and Black & White, but there nevertheless remains a question over whether adventure games really need it. Most of the them are, after all, just a series of locations strung together through a maze of puzzles nothing in there to warrant fancy 3D upgrade-or-you-wont-be-able-to-play-it graphics. The way of the adventure game needs to change, though (see my article "Evolve or die"), and so maybe the concept of using three dimensions in an adventure game needs to be more seriously addressed by this community.
But before we begin on this tour de force of intellect that is this article, a brief lesson in the wonderful world of dimensions is necessary. First, what do we actually mean by three dimensions? Well technically speaking, the computer 3D is actually 2D, as the images are presented to us on our flat screen showing only width and height, but that goes without saying really. Instead, when we say "3D" we mean that the computer visualises the object in the game as having width, height and length, which means that it can be told to, say, turn said object 90 degrees to the left, thus revealing more of the object.

Phwoar, look at those legs a non-cut scene screenshot from Half-life 2 demonstrating how 3D can be pushed to the most amazing limits.
There also seems to be general confusion about the other dimensions out there: one rather enthusiastic forum poster called out to LucasArts to KEEP IT 1D. This is, of course, ridiculous, unless we want Guybrush to take the form of a line stretching out onto infinity for his next outing. Similarly, no dimensions must also be ruled out for Monkey Island 5s graphics, as this dimension consists of but a single point in space. It would simply not suffice. The fourth dimension is time and space, which the third dimension needs in order to show change. The fifth dimension is right out.
Just from that very brief (and largely inaccurate, Id wager) lesson on dimensions, we can already spot a problem for a 2D adventure game. Since the animator has to "fool" the player into thinking that the objects presented on the screen are 3D in the game world, it can seriously limit the amount of freedom the player can take in the game. The way Guybrush rotated in Escape from Monkey Island would, for example, have been very difficult to accomplish in a 2D engine. 3D can do more than rotate Guybrush, though and it has to be said that EMI didnt make full use of the possibilities that 3D can give.
Imagine running through Blood Island in a 3D game engine. You can hear the screams of the sea-gulls through your left speaker and the howl of the wind in your right, thanks to the 3D sound. The camera smoothly follows you as you march from the beach to the graveyard, as opposed to the old map method of transportation. Sand is kicked up beneath your feat, leaving foot-prints and sending bits of rubble everywhere. The palm-leaves rustle realistically in the breeze. You move off the path and come across a monkey, which you can view from any angle imaginable. A vampire bat dramatically swoops down and grabs the monkey. You follow it to a cliff, where you accidentally stumble and fall into the ocean.
Exciting? You betcha. Unrealistic? Not at all. Just look at Far Cry or any other modern first person shooter, where the environment is enhanced no end by the 3D engine. Whats more is that those games have to include a massive game world, whilst a 3D Monkey Island game would only have to include a gaggle of relatively small islands, meaning that more time could be spent on making the locations come alive. I mean, when you played Curse of Monkey island, did you feel like you were actually there, or did it just feel like you were controlling a 2D character through a series of rather beautiful paintings? Granted, the sound and art helped make the whole experience more groin-grabbingly engrossing, but 3D can make it feel so real youll never want to leave.

Myst 4 may look beautiful, but its lack of a proper 3D engine means that its beauty is still on skin-deep.
Another important point I need to make is this: there has never been a 3D Monkey Island game. Escape from Monkey Island was not 3D. It was 2D with bells on. Okay, okay, the characters may have been 3D, but nothing else was. The movies were originally 3D, but were then saved as 2D this basically means that if I wanted to choose what I wanted to say during a cut-scene, I wouldnt be able to. If the cut-scenes were done in 3D, this would be possible and I know what youre thinking but Gabez, then it wouldnt have looked so good. Wrong! 3D interactive cut-scenes can be done whilst at the same time looking fantastic. Youll never get the cut-scene to look as good as it would were it done in the 3D then 2D way, but its worth it, I reckon, to involve the player at every possible moment. That is, after all, what makes adventure games so good.
The backgrounds were also done in this way made in 3D, then saved as 2D, or pre-rendered as its known as in jargon land. This not only looks shite, but it also severely limits the player, as the backgrounds are nothing but just that backgrounds. Its hard to make the palm-tree sway in the wind, or create a dent in the side of a building when you punch it, and its certainly impossible to have the camera follow the protagonist as they explore the world. In fact, its hardly a world with 2D backgrounds its just a series of images joined together, and thats exactly what it feels like when you play through it.
3D backgrounds saved as 2D arent all that bad though. Escape from Monkey Island may have left a slightly bitter taste in most gamers mouths (although the SCUMM Bar looked nice enough inside), but thats not to say that pre-rendered means shoddy quality. Our very own Goblin shows how 3D and 2D can merge and still look fantastic just take a look at the art-work on his site to see what I mean. I for one wont be complaining if Monkey Island 5 ends up looking like that.
Then theres the specifications battle. Do you really want to have to go out and buy a Pentium 7 with 3 million megabytes of RAM just to play Monkey Island 5? Or do you want to play a good looking but 2D version that can run on your 5 year old Pentium 2? The answer, for most of you, is going to be the latter but in asking this question, Im assuming that 3D means high specifications, and it doesnt necessarily have to. Nobs can be twiddled to reduce the number of polygons, making the game look mediocre but still having the all-important 3D ingredient that makes the game more absorbing. Or, like Half-life 2, the game engine can be coded so that it doesnt depend so much on the specifications.

Converting stuff like this to 3D wouldnt be easy. It would be a shame if the CMI-esque style was dropped, but maybe the series needs to go more realistic graphic wise anyway.
And speaking of Half-life 2, have you seen those facial expressions!? I have, and when I first saw them in action I remember thinking ooh, I wouldnt mind seeing that for Monkey Island 5!. This is just another benefit of 3D games they have the power to give realism. Consideration would have to be taken to ensure that the all-important Monkey Island style was not sacrificed to make way for realism, but I believe this can be achieved with a little tender loving care.
So what does 3D mean for Monkey Island? Ill tell you it means freedom. It gives designers the ability to do so much more with the characters and the environment than 2D can offer. 2D adventure games wont die out, though theyll live on, used by both the amateur and small developer to save money, but if the big adventure game names like Monkey Island want to keep on the cutting edge of gameplay, then theyll need to be in real 3D. As simple as that.
Further reading: see what the Tiller man has to say about 3D in our interview with him. Also be sure to read Remzos article on the Cel Shading alternative.
As always, be sure to leave your opinion down below!
Next week: Gabez looks at what Sam & Maxs death really means for Monkey Island - has LucasArts killed the adventure game?
Comment from Largo LaGrande
Comment from Rapp Scallion
Comment from PiratePrincess
Comment from Gabez
Comment from Rapp Scallion
"Converting stuff like this to 3D wouldn
Comment from LucasTones
Comment from bondurant
If you get that right, and manage to translate the offbeat a distinctive style of the earlier games then I see no problem in going to 3D. A camera style similar to the N64 Zelda games would be an interesting departure, but at the expense of losing Guybrush's facial expressions.
But the games are more than just graphics, and have to work on all levels, or else (as essentially comedy games), they'll fall flat.
Comment from Neil Joshi
Whilst I don't fully agree with all of your veiws here, I can see where 3D would greatly benifit a potential Monkey Island sequel.
But I do think that a camera fully following you around may not be the best option, it may seem too much like a third person shooter or something. Unless of course you are thinking along the lines of Broken Sword 3, that whilst not the greatest game out of the three (by far) was very innovative in it's sweeping camera moves and changings of angles which I greatly appriciated Overall, I think we all want a good movie in an adventure game, and that includes dynamic veiws and ever changing scenery.
Then again, if all can't be achieved, I won't complain about static backgrounds, just as long as they're done right.
Comment from CaptainCrunch
Comment from Thrik
I am personally fully in support of a totally 3D Monkey Island game. A year or so ago, I was totally against it, but now that the graphical and computational power exists to create something that is extremely realistic, it would work very well.
Take the latest unreal engine for example ( ). That thing can output about two million polygons in real time, using cutting edge current technology.
To put that into perspective, an average Half-Life engine based map could only handle roughly nine HUNDRED polygons before starting to choke. All the detail you saw in any Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Day or Defeat or Natural Selection map only came to about 900 polygons on screen. Needless to say, the potential for what can be done with a couple of million is astounding.
I said this over at the GFN once, and I'll say it here - Grim Fandango's 3D pre-rendered graphics could probably be replicated in totally pannable real-time 3D in a couple of years. As in, they'd look AS good.
I personally think that if the technology we'll have at our fingertips in a couple of years, a brilliant art director, and an excellent team of writers were combined, a 5th Monkey Island could be created in real-time 3D with a more realistic style (rather than the comical effect EMI went for) more akin to LeChuck's Revenge. 3D isn't the devil of adventure gaming - it just hasn't been realised for its true potential yet.
Comment from Gabez
I also didn't know about the 2D vs 3D animation thing - that's very interesting. I would still say that EMI had the best animation though, so maybe the previous games didn't take advantage of 2D animation like they could have... I dunno.
Comment from Paco
It makes some valid points but I think it's a bit simple to say "With 2D, you can just draw whatever and that
Comment from Spit Master
Between 2d and 3d graphics (all square) such as EMI, I definitely choose the old 2D.
Comment from MrManager
Oh, and expecting anything on a Win95 box is kind of realistic now, almost ten years after. :~
And! Of course, Gabzo is right again. ;-*
Comment from Gabez
Or you could go thr way of the 3D RTS, and have a fix perspective, but the option to rotate your view. Or something else - I dunno, but I reckon it's worth LucasArts experimenting.
And yeah, the grains of sand thing isn't really important, but I think the ability to PROPERLY explore your environment is. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the old map transportation system too - just as long as it doesn't end up like STS 3D.
Comment from LucasTones
As much as little graphical enhancements like tiny grains of sand that fly up as you run are nice, they're not necessary. But, as you say, they *can* be optional. I always find little things like that a nice suprise on console games, but on the PC its usually "oh ffs, this sand is slowing the game down >:" But, as I (and you) have said, it's optional on the PC.
With EMI, the backgrounds were pre-rendered, and the characters were 3D. This was ok, but lets suppose the backgrounds were 3D too. How would the player rotate the game world, so to speak, in order to see the backgrounds from another angle?
Comment from Mr Flibble
The MI style,( wacky misproportions) which as you said, wouldn't translate well into 3D, isn't really something I'd be prepared to compromise.
I'm biased though, because at the end of the day, I just want something to run on my old Win95. I only got to play EMI because ofthe ps2 port...